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21 Jul

Why Hiring LGBTQ Talent Is Good for Your Law Firm

by: Astor Professional Search

Law firms should consider LGBTQ diversity when they are making hiring decisions because it has many benefits for the firm. They should add this factor to the list of hiring priorities. In the end, LGBTQ diversity increases the chances of positive organizational outcomes. 

Interracial gay couple relaxing indoors.

LGBTQ Employees Broaden the Talent Pool

Law firms benefit when they have the broadest possible talent pool at their disposal. Not only does diversity increase the amount of potential employees available, but it also adds to the overall skill set of the firm. Any law firm is a collection of its employees’ talent. However, this is a case where the value of the whole is greater than its individual parts. 

LGBTQ diversity adds another ingredient to the overall “mix” that is the law firm. The broader the range of ideas in the firm, the better legal services it can provide. This is one more set of perspectives that the firm can draw on for its overall product. Life experiences help shape a person’s contribution to the marketplace of ideas in a firm. Currently, LGBTQ attorneys are underrepresented in law firms, yet these businesses are vigorously competing against each other for the best legal talent. This allows law firms to tap another source of qualified employees that may not yet be fully explored. 

LGBTQ Attorneys Can Help the Firm Attract Clients

Moreover, LGBTQ diversity can also be good for business. This is what clients are looking for in this day and age. More so than ever, potential clients are valuing far more than the law firm’s legal representation when they choose their attorneys. They are looking for a firm that reflects their own values. They may even be scoring law firms based on diversity. LGBTQ diversity is a way to show clients that the firm lives by the values that clients hold. 

Others notice a firm’s LGBTQ diversity efforts. There are even rankings that select the best firms in this area. While a law firm should value this area because it wants to do the right thing, it will also gain strong marketing exposure. Having a reputation as an LGBTQ-friendly firm will make a practice an attractive destination for employees from many underrepresented backgrounds who see that the firm is a welcoming place. They can each add to the law firm’s long-term success.  

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William Sugarman

William Sugarman is the president and founder of Astor Professional Search. He engages in the successful placement of attorneys with local, regional, and international law firms and corporations. Bill’s extensive legal and business development experience give Astor an edge over other legal recruiters nationwide. At the cornerstone of Bill’s strategic philosophy is providing the highest level of personalized attention to his clients and attorney candidates. This is also a key factor that separates Astor from other legal search firms, and it consistently delivers legal placements year after year.

Years of Experience: More than 20 years

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